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Why do we choose to love?
Saturday, May 27, 2006

I thought about this last year when Dad passed away. Mum was devastated as it was too sudden. No one saw it coming.

I have recently started thinking about it again...

Why do we, an intelligent race, choose to love when love brings us pain and suffering? Although there are happy times but they are naturally erased when heartbreak comes, doesn't it? The pain is more prominent in our hearts...

Why do we choose to love? When one day we will definitely be separated by death... Is that ultimate sorrow worth the joy of we are together? Is it? Why do we choose to spend almost a lifetime with one other, only to lose him at the end?

So why DO we choose to love? Are we suckers for punishment?

I choose to love because it is something I cannot do without... There is no point in life if there isn't someone for me to share it with... Even the most mundane of task seems enjoyable when there's someone by my side. The darkest of nights seem brighter, the saddest of times more bearable. The happiest of days are those spent with him; for happiness is nothing without someone to share it with.
...:::My Thoughts:::...2:34 pm  

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