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about her...
- female - happy-go-lucky - optimistic - unpredictable - nocturnal - stubborn - emotional - romantic - dreamy -

her favs...
- forumming - photography - cooking - laughing - Sudoku - blogging - travelling - music - chatting - eating -

her peeves...
- liars - mornings - being lonely - amphibians & reptiles - being made fun of - crowds - being unappreciated -

her food favs...
- Japanese - Vietnamese - Chinese - Indonesian - Thai - Szechuan - Malaysian -

Aura Readings
Monday, June 19, 2006

I had this reading done through an Australia magazine... The best part is that it's free!!!! If anyone is interested, please email me.

Dear Valarie
Your digestive system is smoky and under stress, so you need to get allergies checked to improve your health and fertility. Do that and you will have a very full and eventful life ahead of you, in which there will be many children, and grandchildren. Your life will be so fulfilling that won’t have the time or the desire for a career! The orange is to do with home issues - maybe you will soon be moving....

Dear John
You need checking for both allergies and parasites. Clear your system and you will open the door to the noble and honourable journey in front of you. The clear blues rising lighter as they travel through your chakras show that you have a future as (rare) an honest, estate agent – someone that your children and grandchildren can be proud of!

...:::My Thoughts:::...7:57 pm  

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