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- female - happy-go-lucky - optimistic - unpredictable - nocturnal - stubborn - emotional - romantic - dreamy -

her favs...
- forumming - photography - cooking - laughing - Sudoku - blogging - travelling - music - chatting - eating -

her peeves...
- liars - mornings - being lonely - amphibians & reptiles - being made fun of - crowds - being unappreciated -

her food favs...
- Japanese - Vietnamese - Chinese - Indonesian - Thai - Szechuan - Malaysian -

Passion or fury?
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

What is passion? Is passion what you feel when you have an intense emotion?

Does anger count as passion? Does hatred? Does fury?

I think I have lost my ability to control my feelings., neither can I express my emotions in words. I feel what I feel because it affects me so but how do I tell my story?

A friends says that I should turn my thoughts and emotions into words... how do I when my emotions run amok?

I want to lash out but not at the innocent. I want to thrash but only at the deserved. Haiz...

Where can I go to escape? Where can I go to hide? Where can I ride out my storm? Where can I find comfort within?

I do not have a haven no more... I have nowhere else to run to...

I feel so suppressed, unable to hear my own voice, unable to hear the voice within, unable to see the signs, unable to connect...

WHY???? Why the ....?

I am sick and tired of all these bullshit, so tired of it all.
...:::My Thoughts:::...9:09 pm  

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