My Life... My Thoughts... My World...
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about her...
- female - happy-go-lucky - optimistic - unpredictable - nocturnal - stubborn - emotional - romantic - dreamy -

her favs...
- forumming - photography - cooking - laughing - Sudoku - blogging - travelling - music - chatting - eating -

her peeves...
- liars - mornings - being lonely - amphibians & reptiles - being made fun of - crowds - being unappreciated -

her food favs...
- Japanese - Vietnamese - Chinese - Indonesian - Thai - Szechuan - Malaysian -

Vietnamese and teddies
Saturday, June 17, 2006

Pho Tai
We did our weekly grocery shop today and had Pho Tai for lunch. It's Vietnamese Beef Noodles. It was scrumptious!!! This is my absolute favourite dish in Australia. If they ever close, I wouldn't know what to do with myself!!!
We have tried making it ourselves, why, I have no idea...

My Teddies...

From left, Felton, a no-reason pressie from Hunny. He said that it was too cute so he HAD to buy it for me, Thai-girl, we got her from DreamWorld 2 years ago, the bunny, an easter pressie to Hunny from mummy, ICI, just a cute little thing that reminded me of the ICI paint ads, Fairy, a X'mas pressie from Hunny from the Children's Cancer Council... I think it costs $30+, Nicky, my white doggy I bought from Taka 3 years ago, another little pressie but I did not name it, my Hard Rock Cafe (Melbourne) bear and lastly, the softest bear I ever had... Xiao Bai *cuddlez*.

I am such a kid!!!! *mwahahahaha*

...:::My Thoughts:::...9:38 pm  

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