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about her...
- female - happy-go-lucky - optimistic - unpredictable - nocturnal - stubborn - emotional - romantic - dreamy -

her favs...
- forumming - photography - cooking - laughing - Sudoku - blogging - travelling - music - chatting - eating -

her peeves...
- liars - mornings - being lonely - amphibians & reptiles - being made fun of - crowds - being unappreciated -

her food favs...
- Japanese - Vietnamese - Chinese - Indonesian - Thai - Szechuan - Malaysian -

What's your Fantasy Home?
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Valarie, your fantasy home is a Hip Habitat

A trendsetter like you is always on the cutting edge when it comes to what's hot and what's not. So, it's no surprise that your house would reflect your great taste. Staying up-to-date with the latest styles, shades, and shapes in home décor is no easy feat, but you pull it off with flying colors.With your great eye for style and finger on the pulse, your place is sure to be a hip and happening spot. Whether you opt for sleek leather couches, Asian-inspired accents, or truly mod pieces, you'll certainly make a chic statement. It doesn't get much cooler than that.
...:::My Thoughts:::...10:31 pm  

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April 2006
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June 2006
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