My Life... My Thoughts... My World...
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about her...
- female - happy-go-lucky - optimistic - unpredictable - nocturnal - stubborn - emotional - romantic - dreamy -

her favs...
- forumming - photography - cooking - laughing - Sudoku - blogging - travelling - music - chatting - eating -

her peeves...
- liars - mornings - being lonely - amphibians & reptiles - being made fun of - crowds - being unappreciated -

her food favs...
- Japanese - Vietnamese - Chinese - Indonesian - Thai - Szechuan - Malaysian -

Who am I? Where am I?
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Who exactly am I? I feel lost now... I dunno. What are ethics worth? What is trust worth? Why do I feel weird... ? Why do I have that terrible feeling in the pit of stomach?

I feel like something's wrong... what is it? Is it my sixth sense again? Is it my heart? Emotions? What?!?!?! Why can't someone answer my questions? Why can't anyone find me an answer?

Where is my Angel? How I have missed you... I long for you to be by my side again... For you to guide me, to whisper to me, to point me in the right direction...

Will someone please find me?

I am so lost...
...:::My Thoughts:::...2:06 am  

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April 2006
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